Monday, March 15, 2010

List of Words without Vowels

Anonymous's picture

1 ) BY - (Preposition)
2 ) CRY - weep
3 ) DRY - Not wet
4 ) FLY - Move through the air
5 ) FRY - Brown/Sizzle/Cook over the fire
6 ) FYRD - The militia in Anglo-Saxon England.
7 ) GYPSY - People who migrate their dwellings often.
8 ) GYVE - Any of various fastening or coupling devices.
9 ) HYMN - Song in praise or honour of God
10 ) HYP - Short for Hypochondria
11 ) LYMPH - A clear yellowish, slightly alkaline, coagulable fluid, containing white
blood cells in a liquid resembling blood plasma, that is derived from the
tissues of the body and conveyed to the bloodstream by the lymphatic vessels.
12 ) LYNCH - Put to death.
13 ) LYNX - Any of several wildcats of the genus Lynx (or Felis), having long limbs,
a short tail, and usually tufted ears
14 ) MYTH - An imaginary or fictitious thing or person / False belief
15 ) MY - A pronoun
16 ) PLY - Use / Employ
17 ) PYGMY -Dwarfish person.
18 ) PYX - The box or vessel in which the reserved Eucharist or Host is kept.
19 ) RHYTHM - Movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat,
accent, or the like.
20 ) SHY - Bashful
21 ) SHYLY - Bashfully
22 ) SKY - The upper atmosphere of the earth
23 ) SPRY - Active / Brisk
24 ) SPY - A person who keeps close and secret watch on the actions and words of
another or others.
25 ) STY - Any filthy place or abode.
26 ) STYX - a river in the underworld, over which the souls of the dead were ferried by
Charon, and by which the gods swore their most solemn oaths.
27 ) SYLPH - A slender, graceful woman or girl.
28 ) SYZYGY - Any two related things, either alike or opposite.
29 ) THYMY - Pertaining to, resembling, or characteristic of thyme.
30 ) TRY - Attempt
31 ) TRYST - An appointed meeting.
32 ) WRY - Abnormally bent or turned to one side; twisted; crooked
33 ) WYND - A narrow street or alley.

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