Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do These For Healthy Mind

* Take 10 to 30 minutes walk daily.
* Sit in silence for atleast 10 minutes daily.
* Go to bed earlier & get more sleep.
* Spend time with people over the age of 60 & under the age of 6.
* Dream more when you are awake & work on that.
* Try to make atleast 3 people smile each day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meaning for English words

* Aboriginal means indigenous or earliest known.

* Aloft means overhead or high up.

* Artillery means the branch of the army concerned with the use of canons.

* Beridden means confined to bed because of illness, injury.

* China clay is a fine white clay used in the manufacture of porcelain.
Another name for china clay is Kaolin.

Kaolin is used in ceramics, medicine, coated paper, as a food additive, in toothpaste, as a light diffusing material in white incandescent light bulbs, and in cosmetics. It is generally the main component in porcelain.

* Compatible means capable of existing.

* Concussion means shock caused by the impact of a collision, blow.

* Confine means prevent from leaving a place because of imprisonment or illness or discipline.

2 ) To enclose within bounds.

* Consul means an official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country to represent his goverment's commercial interests & assists the citizens there.

* Consulate means a residence or official premises of a consul.

* Crockery means a kind of earthenware.

* Crown means a type of headgear worn by a monarch as a symbol of soverignty, often made by a precious metal & ornamented with valuable gems.

* Cuneiform means wedge shaped characters used for writing by ancient Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians.

* Discrepancy means disagrement or divergence between facts.

* Earthenware is a common ceramic material, which is used extensively for pottery tableware and decorative objects.

* Electromagnetic radiation (often abbreviated E-M radiation or EMR) is a form of energy exhibiting wave like behavior as it travels through space.

These waves are classified according to their frequencies like radio waves, Micro waves, Infrared radiation, Visible light, Ultra violet radiation, X rays & Gamma rays.

They have both electric & magnetic field components.

* Eminence means high rank or state or repute

* Enclave means a country or part of a country lying wholly within the boundaries of another. A distinctly bounded area enclosed within a larger unit.

* Fatigue means physical or mental weariness.

* Feasible means capable of being accomplished.

* Fornication means voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other.

* Fugitive means run away from law or justice.

* Furrow means a long, narrow, shallow trench made in the ground by a plow.

* Gazette means a newspaper or a printed sheet published periodically.

* Generic means relating to entire group or class.

* Grimace means facial expression that indicates disapproval

* Grin means to smile broadly as an indication of pleasure.

* Groove means long, narrow cut in the surface.

* Hack means to break up the surface.

* Hike means rise or increase.

* Inmate means a person confined in a prison,hospital or in a hostel.

* Intent means aim or goal.

* Invade means to enter forcefully and affect injuriously or destructively.

* Janitorial means one who attends to the maintenance or cleaning of a building.

* Loom means a hand-operated or power-driven apparatus for weaving fabrics, containing harnesses, lay, reed, shuttles, treadles, etc.

* Manifest means prove

* Maternity means state of being a mother.

* Monotonous means uniformity in sound or tone or pitch. * Myopia means short-sight.

* Myriad means Lot of , many, innumerable, plenty of, utter most & etc. * Obsolete means no longer in use.

* Outlaw means a person or group or a thing excluded from the benefits & protection of law. He is a lawless person or habitual criminal , especially one who is fugitive from the law. * Persist means fixed or unmoved or stand firm.

* Photoluminescence is a process in which a substance absorbs photons (electromagnetic radiation) and then re-radiates photons.

* Plaque means a thin, flat plate or tablet of metal.

* Porcelain is a strong, vitreous, translucent ceramic material.

* Pottery means articles made of baked clay or a place where earthen pots or vessels are made.

* Pranks means a trick of an amusing and playful.

* Refrain means avoid or abstain.

* Render means submit or present or surrender something or someone to another.

* Slut means prostitute.

* Solicit means request.

* Spill means to cause or allow to fall liquid from a container.

* Sterility means inability to reproduce because of congenital or some disorders.

* Stoneware means a hard, opaque, vitrified ceramic ware.

* Toast means sliced bread that has been browned by dry heat.

* Trench means excavation or depression in the ground.

* Usher means One who is employed to escort people to their seats, as in a theater, church, or stadium , just like door keeper.

* Vintage means a kind of wine from particular grapes.

* Vitrify means convert into glass.

* Vulnerable means capable of being wounded easily or capable of being affected easily.

* Weft means woven fabric or garment.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Knowledge On Windows

AUDIO - If audio port is not active or enabled, go to bios , advanced, onboard audio or advanced, chipset, onboard audio and enable it.

BLUE DUMP ERROR  -  * If the applications run more than supported memory, the system hangs up or the screen becomes blue in color called blue dump error.
* It may occur due to ram failure or OS failure.

BMP -  * Bit MaP
* File format used for images.

BOOT.INI  -  * One of the booting files of windows xp.
* It contains information about time out ( time taken to change from text mode to graphical mode ), list of partitions, number of hard disks, type of OS
* If we have dual OS, we can change the booting priority by moving up or down
* It has 5 boot options. Safe boot, No gui boot, Boot log, Base video, SOS.

CFG - ConFiGuration file format.

COMPRESSION Zipping the file, so that reducing the size of the file.

DEFRAGMENTATION  -  * Process os reducing unwanted space in the hard disk by re-organizing and re-arranging files, so that it can occupy one large area in hard disk rather than small areas.
* It increases the overall performance of the system
* Right click the drive you want to defragment --> properties --> tools -->defragment now.

ELA -  * Easy Language Archieve
* Filename extension of voice calls in Linux ( equals to MP3 of Windows ).

ENCRYPTION  -  Conversion of data into secret code ( ciphertext ) which can not be understood by unauthorized people.

FIREFOX - Shortcut for homepage in Firefox browser or internet explorer is ( Alt+Home ).

GROUP POLICY  -  * Centralised management and configuration of computers.
* We can define policies that are applied to computers regardless users and we can apply policy to users regardless of computers.
* Type gpedit.msc from run.
* There is no separate path for group policy since it is a collection of all entities.

HDMI  -  It stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface.

HOMEPAGE - Shortcut for homepage in Firefox browser or internet explorer is ( Alt+Home ).

INTERNET EXPLORER - Shortcut for homepage in internet explorer OR Firefox is (Alt+Home ).

MAP NETWORK DRIVE  -   * Windows helps us to connect to a shared network folder and assign a drive letter to the connection, so that we can access the folder using my computer rather than going to the network path every time.
* Go to the folder for which we need map network --> (right click) map drive
* Or, go to my computer --> tools --> map network drive --> paste the path of the folder for which we need map network --> click ok.

MESSAGING SERVICE -  * To send messages within network, type,
net send from run  press enter.
* When the computer is running Windows XP Service pack 2, this wont work.
* If Messenger service is disabled, this wont work.

MICROSOFT OUTLOOK  -  The filename extension of Microsoft Outlook is .pst. It stands for " personal storage table ".

OUTLOOK EXPRESS MAIL  -  The file name extension of Outlook express mail is .dbx. It stands for " direct byte execution ". File name extension of Outlook express exported mail is .iaf. It stands for " internet account file ".
PORT  It is to adapt software, so that executable program can be created for a computing environment.

PORT NUMBER  -   * Number assigned to a particular service or host.
* It identifies where the communication takes place.
* It tells TCP to transfer messages to any application.
* In TCP or UDP header, port number field is used to specify which applications are sending or receiving data.

PRINTER  -   It is a computer program that enables the application to communicate with a hardware printer. The device that puts data onto the paper is called printer device.

SAFE MODE  -  * Temporary method of running windows using absolute minimum in resources
* In the event of hardware failure or malfunction in OS, it is necessary to run the system in safe mode. It runs only the bare essential of OS.
* Restart the machine and press F8 key to enter into safe mode.

SERVICE CREATION  -  To create a service, type the following command in CLI
sc create < service name >
To delete a service, the command is sc delete < service name >

SERVICES * Long running executable program that performs specific task for machine's requirement and not for users'.
* We can see services from control panel --> administrative tools --> services
* Or type services.msc from run.

START UP  -  It contains programs that are automatically loaded every time we turn on the computer.

TASK MANAGER / WINDOWS TASK MANAGER -  * It is a utility in Windows that provides detailed information about computer performance, running applications, processes, cpu usage, memory information, network activity and statistics, logged in users and system services.
* We can start a new task, and we can kill a task that is not responding.
* We can also hibernate, log off, restart or shut down the machines.
* It has 6 tabs. Application, Processes, Performance, Networking, Services, Users.

TELNET - It is a service that allows connecting to the remote machine via Command Line Interface.

TIF - Tagged Image File.

TROJAN HORSE - No replicating malware that enters user's system with unauthorized access and reveals password to the remote location.

V CALENDER - * It is a utility in Microsoft Outlook that provides electronic version of calender. It has appointment book, address book, add or remove contact.
* V calender files are used to exchange information about appointments and schedule with others who are not in our work group or organisation.

V CARD -  * It serves as an electronic business card in Microsoft Outlook.
* It is a convenient way of exchanging personal information such as name, address, phone number and email address. 

VIRTUAL MEMORY  -  * Portion of a hard disk used to simulate additional ram. It is also called paging file.
* Control panel --> system --> advanced --> performance settings --> advanced -->virtual memory -->change
* The initial value is 2046 MB. Maximum value is 4092 MB. Default value is 3057 MB which is a recommended value.

VIRUS -  * It is harmful computer program which can copy itself and infect the computer.
* It is self replicating computer program that can spread from one computer to another computer through CD, DVD, USB, Internet.
* It includes malware, spyware, adware and infects the file or file system.
* Some famous viruses are Blaster, Code red, Creeper, Elk cloner, I love you, Melissa, Morris Internet Worm, Nimda, Sasser, SQL slammer.

* It is a technology that allows taking manual or automatic backup copies or snap shot of data.
* It needs one NTFS volume for shadow copies to be stored.
* Users can easily access the previous versions of their files by right clicking their file or folder.

WINDOWS NT -  * Family of operating systems produced by Microsoft in 1993.
* It is the first 32 bit version of Windows.

* In Windows XP, installation is done in 2 modes, text mode and graphical mode.
In Vista, installations is done only in graphical mode.
* Graphic resolution is less in Windows XP compared to Vista.
* Switch user is not available in Windows XP.
Swicth user is available in Vista.
* Vista is opt for Multimedia and graphical arts users.
In Windows XP, it is not thus much opt.

WORM -  * It is a self replicating malware program that uses a computer network to send copies of itself to other nodes. It occurs due to security shortcoming.
* It does not corrupt any file but reduces system performance by its harm.

X86 - Set of instructions and architecture that handles 32 bit operation in the cpu.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Top 10 most spoken Language in the world

1. Chinese (Mandarin) 1,213,000,000 Speakers
2. Spanish 329,000,000
3. English 328,000,000
4. Arabic 221,000,000
5. Hindi1 182,000,000
6. Bengali 181,000,000
7. Portuguese 178,000,000
8. Russian 144,000,000
9. Japanese 122,000,000
10. German 90,000,000

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See also this link

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Amazing: Floating Rock in Saudi Arabia

see this miracle...........it's unbelievable !!!

Surprising Rock
A huge rock in a village of Al-Hassa region, SAUDI ARABIA raises 11 cms from the ground level once in a year during the month of April and stays elevated for about 30 minutes !!!

They say that 17 years ago, one terrorist was shot dead behind this rock as he was hidden there. This encounter happened in the month of April 1989. You can see the fresh blood stains on the rock. Most surprisingly, when the rock raises from the ground, these stains become darker, fresher and wet. Local residents tried to wipe off the stains several times, but after some time it appears again on the rock automatically.....
isn't it astounding ?
Have a look....

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

World's Largest Solar Power Stadium

The newly constructed stadium in Taiwan is the world's largest solar powered stadium. It has been designed by Toyo Ito and this Stadium will generate 100% of its electricity using photovoltaic technology. The Stadium roof contains 8,884 solar panels and could generate 1.14 gigawatt hours of electricity every year, enough to power up to 80% of the surrounding neighborhood. The stadium can hold 55,000 people and is ready for the upcoming World Games. It took $150 million to finish the stadium.

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Funny : Watch the Full Video

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Amazing: illusion Video of Cube Floating

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Top 10 richest people in 2010

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Amazing: Skating Video

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Amazing: Bridge made by a Tree Root

A Natural Root Bridge Across a Valley at Cherrapunji, India — Cherrapunjee is a valley in North Eastern part of India, where the rain lashes the entire place 5 months in a year. Due to heavy rains as well as cyclones the locals in this place have developed in genuine way of building a bridge across valleys. The process is that the root of a rare Indian rubber tree is made to grow in a particular direction with the support of the bamboos and a constant watch is kept on the growth. More images after the break...

As the root further grows, more and more bamboos are added to provide direction so that it reaches the other side of the valley crossing dangerous rivers below. These roots grow very slowly, at times a few millimeters in a few months and hence a small bridge of say about 40 feet takes a period of 23 years. This being the case, imagine how much time would have taken to build a double decker bridge as shown in the picture.

The locals say that it has taken 500 years to form this bridge that can withstand 90 people at a time without any sign of fear. Since the roots are continuously growing with their other end firmly set the strength of the bridge only gets enhanced as the days pass by. This bridge receives a good amount of tourists who have to trek quite a distance. Now this has become a trend in that area where the present generation creates a facility so that the next generation can use the same to cross the valleys in Meghalaya.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Amazing Video: Nice Magic Trick

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Amazing Video: Jumping over 7 People

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Amazing Video: Impressive Knee Flip

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Tallest Child on Earth

With a weight of 42 kilos and the growth of 1 meter 30 centimeters, a two-year Karan Singh is the tallest kid on earth. Practically the same height with its 10-year-old neighbor friends in the Indian city of Meerut, Karan twice their peers - and his giant mother believes that this is just the beginning.In the last photo ,the woman standing in the middle is Karan Singh's Mother.
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Lowest Waist Living Woman

Click the below link

http://stalin.co.in/?p=202 or click here

231 Countries & their Areas

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Playing with Anaconda Video

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Two wheeler Register Numbers

TN—Tamil Nadu

TN-01 Chennai Central (Ayanavaram} [PIN Codes 600006,07,08,10,23,31,34,81,105]

TN-02 Chennai West (Anna Nagar) [PIN Codes 600029,30,40,49,101,102,106, Mugappair East & West]

TN-03 Chennai North East (Tondiarpet)

TN-04 Chennai East (Basin Bridge) [PIN Codes 600001,03,09,13,19,21,79,81,104,108,112]

TN-05 Chennai North (Vyasarpadi) [PIN Codes 600011,12,38,39,82,99,110,118]

TN-06 Chennai South East (Mandaveli)

TN-07 Chennai South (Thiruvanmiyur) [PIN Codes 600002 (except Anna Salai), 600004,05,18,20,22,25,28,36,42,85,86,90,96,113,28, Palavakkam, Kotivakkam]

TN-09 Chennai West (K.K. Nagar) [PIN Codes 600015,17,24,32,33,35,78,83,89,97,98]

TN-10 Chennai South West (Valasarawakkam) [PIN Codes 600026,87,89,92,93,94,111, Porur, Ramapuram]

TN-18 Red Hills, Chennai

TN-19 Chengalpattu

TN-20 Tiruvallur

TN-21 Kanchipuram

TN-22 Meenambakkam

TN-23 Vellore

TN-24 Krishnagiri

TN-25 Thiruvannamalai

TN-27 Salem Central

TN-28 Namakkal

TN-29 Dharmapuri

TN-30 Salem West

TN-31 Cuddalore

TN-32 VillupuramUlundurpet

TN-33 Erode

TN-34 Thiruchengode

TN-36 Gobichettipalayam

TN-37 Coimbatore South (Attupalam,Podanur,ukkadam,Kuniamuthur,)

TN-38 Coimbatore North([[Chinniampalayam,Kalapatti,, Peelamedu ,Nanjundapuram

Singanallur,Selvapuram,Chinniampalayam,Ramanathapuram,Race cource,Sulur west,Sitra(airport),Nellambur,Somanur,Irugur]])

TN-39 Tiruppur North

TN-40 Mettupalayam

TN-41 Pollachi

TN-42 Tiruppur South, Udumalpet

TN-43 Uthagamandalam, The Nilgiris

TN-45 Tiruchirapalli

TN-46 Perambalur

TN-47 Karur

TN-48 Sri Rangam (Tiruchirapalli)

TN-49 Thanjavur

TN-50 Mannargudi

TN-51 Nagapattinam

TN-52 Sankagiri

TN-54 Salem East

TN-55 Pudukottai

TN-56 Perundurai

TN-57 Dindigul

TN-58 Madurai South

TN-59 Madurai North

TN-60 Periyakulam (Theni)

TN-61 Ariyalur

TN-63 Sivagangai

TN-64 Madurai Central

TN-65 Ramanathapuram

TN-66 Coimbatore Central (R S puram,Gandipuram(Cross cut road,Dr.Najappaa road,Bharatiyar road,100 feet road),Flower market,saibaba colony,Sivananda Colony)

TN-67 Virudhunagar

TN-68 Kumbakonam

TN-69 Tuticorin

TN-70 Hosur

TN-72 Tirunelveli

TN-73 Ranipet (Vellore)

TN-74 Nagercoil

TN-75 Marthandam

TN-76 Tenkasi

TN-/N State Transport Undertakings

TN-/G State Government Vehicles

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Anaconda Catcher

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Piranha Fish Photos

British angler and traveler Jeremy Wade caught a monster during a trip to Africa, during the expedition to the Congo. Say that all were in shock - it's nothing to say! The length of the fish nearly five feet, his mouth is equipped with its 32 huge teeth, the size of a white shark teeth .This monster crocodile does not choke!

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bible Facts

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Bible Facts

World's Tallest Woman & Man

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Guinness World Record Next World Tallest Woman Search in Progress

World Records by Paavan S - Targetseo.com - SEO India | Saturday, March 20, 2010 | , ,
Guinness World Records, the global authority on record-breaking achievements has announced an international search for the next Tallest Living Woman. The record chronicler is looking high and low in every corner of the globe to fill the coveted title with the U.S. search kicking off at a social event with the Tall Club of New York City. Front runners from each country will ultimately help Guinness World Records confirm the one absolute Tallest Woman in the world. If you or someone you know fit the bill, Guinness World Records urges you to register your proposal on www.guinnessworldrecords.com and follow the mandated instructions. All legitimate contenders for the Tallest Living Woman title must be willing to be measured in person by an official Guinness World Records adjudicator.

"We have had remarkable success in the past with these record-breaking callouts. It's how we found the current world's tallest man – Sultan Kosen," said Craig Glenday, Editor-In-Chief of Guinness World Records. "The 'Tallest' category always brings out the most awe in people, and hopefully another amazing woman will step forward for measurement and claim the title."

The new Tallest Living Woman will join a lofty list of record-holders from the US, UK and China. The most recent record-holder, American Sandy Allen, stood 7 feet 7.25 inches and was crowned the Tallest Living Woman in 1976 and held the record until her passing in 2008. A frequent fixture in the Guinness World Records book, Allen grew at a rapid rate reaching 6 feet 3 inches by the age of 10 and was 7 feet 1 inches by 16. The Tallest Female Ever, Zeng Jinlian of China, stood an imposing 8 feet 1.75 inches tall.

In 2008, Guinness World Records launched an international search for a new Tallest Living Man. The trail led them all the way to Turkey where they discovered 27-year-old Sultan Kosen, who measures a staggering 8 feet 1 inch in height. Robert Wadlow (US) holds the title as the Tallest Man Ever measuring in at an amazing 8 feet 11.1 inches tall.

In addition to the Tallest Woman, Guinness World Records is also searching for new pet records in the following categories: Dog With the Longest Ears, Smallest Dog (Length), Oldest Dog, Smallest Cat (Length) and Shortest Cat. For a chance to be included in the Guinness World Records 2011 edition, submit your record proposal at http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com.

The Tallest Dog : Guinness World Record

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http://stalin.co.in/?p=545 or click here

Friday, March 19, 2010

Generations of Computers

The Five Generations of Computers:

The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the different generations of computing devices. Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers operate, resulting in increasingly smaller, cheaper, more powerful and more efficient and reliable devices. Read about each generation and the developments that led to the current devices that we use today.
To this date, there are only four generations of computers, the "fifth generation" is but the name of a Japan's national research project in the 1980's.

First Generation - 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes
The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and
magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. First generation computers relied on machine language to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time. Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts.
The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices. The UNIVAC was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S. Census Bureau in 1951.

Second Generation - 1956-1963: Transistors
Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 50s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors. Though the transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damage, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for output.
Second-generation computers moved from cryptic binary machine language to symbolic, or assembly, languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words. High-level programming languages were also being developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN. These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory, which moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.
The first computers of this generation were developed for the atomic energy industry.

Third Generation - 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits
The development of the
integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors.

Fourth Generation - 1971-Present: Microprocessors
microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer - from the central processing unit and memory to input/output controls - on a single chip.
In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.
As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the Internet. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.

Fifth Generation:

"The Fifth Generation Computer Systems project (FGCS) was an initiative by Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, begun in 1982, to create a "fifth generation computer" (see history of computing hardware) which was supposed to perform much calculation utilizing massive parallelism. It was to be the end result of a massive government/industry research project in Japan during the 1980s. It aimed to create an "epoch-making computer" with supercomputer-like performance and usable artificial intelligence capabilities."